Monday, August 22, 2005

Choose Your Own Ending

Upon first glance, this is a very sweet moment. Brother and sister fishing on the dock together. Mom and Dad sit in Adirodack chairs looking on, sipping Ceasars. If they were not so engrossed in their own conversation, they would notice that SHE is attempting to teach Brother how to fish PROPERLY. HE is not happy with it and the two are actually locked in a struggle. A game of chicken. A fishing pole, WITH a hook and surrounded by water. What do you suppose happened next?

A) A fight? There is a huge sibling outburst and the parents somehow get ensnared.

B) A splash? One or both of the siblings ends up in the water.

C) A trip to the Emergency Room? Hook through the tender skin of the under eye or lip.

Since I made the whole thing up, we shall never know. Unless you are deperate to know, then leave me a comment and vote and I will finish it.


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