Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Tiny Boy in a Big Boy Coat

This is the most beautiful picture. It's not only the adorable boy in it, but what the big coat conveys to me. It's as if, he is aware of the fact that he is small. He has stepped out of baby-reality, which isn't even aware that "I" am an "I" or that "You" are a "You." For a moment, it is as if he is contemplating his size. This coat is made for someone bigger. Maybe I will be that someone someday? Where is my hand? Why are my arms so short?

This reminds me of a story I heard once. I have no idea of its verity. There is no way to corroborate it, as it is based on hearsay. The story goes like this...A mother went out and bought her newborn son a very classy, very fancy, very expensive suit. On his actual day of birth and every subsequent birthday, she would fit the garment over him and take a picture. At the age of 18, he finally grew into the suit fully. It was at that moment she realized that if he now fit into a man's suit, he must be a man. He was no longer her baby. She had the pictures to prove it.

Two postscripts to this story.
1) I would never do this to myself. See my post on milestones to understand why.
2) What if that "suit" had been bought in the 70's...can you even imagine how torn you would be between crying at your handsome grown up son and laughing your head off at the styles that were acceptable in the 70's?


Blogger Seri said...

Oh Kiki! You made me cry! What a cubtle, yet powerful little story. Sniff, sniff. And btw, that suit is 40 years old. Dh wore it when he was Aaron's age. Even more sniff, sniff!
Thank you for doing this. I LOVE your creative outlet, and will have to live vicariously through you because I am not NEAR as creative as you are. You inspire me....

9:31 PM  
Blogger Seri said...

That was supposed to say subtle, not cubtle!

9:32 PM  

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