Thursday, August 25, 2005

Black-eyed Peanut

They say all babies are born with blue eyes, but I find that hard to believe. This little one is quite young and is already sporting the deep black eyes of his mother. It is really interesting how genes choose to display themselves. My rudimentary understanding of genetics and Punnett squares enables me to figure out if brown eyes should be expected, if blue eyes are possible, if brown eyes are impossible and so on. I am great with one or two gene combinations. However, throw a multi-gene trait, such as my daughter's red hair color, at me and I am completely flummoxed.

Perhaps the strangest story of eye color comes from one of my imaginary friends who swears, up and down, that her daughter is the only one in the family with brown eyes. I have to go back to my genetics book to see how this is possible. As far as I know, it is not. Any geneticists out there?

This little guy proudly wears his brown-black eyes. Someday, he will marry and carry those dominant browns into another relationship. Is it possible he will help to create a blue-eyed child? Depends on if he is packing a hidden little b (gene for blue eyes is recessive). I can only tell you that no matter what color eyes they wear, he will make beautiful children. Those genes are strong. Those genes for beauty in a baby carry matter what.


Blogger Precie said...

Oh, incidentally, when he was born, he DID have blue eyes, but they were navy blue...and that didn't last more than a few weeks.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that this pic inspired you to think about genetics! I used to futting LOVE doing genetic squares in high school biology.

And DH has green eyes (and both his parents have light eyes) so there's a slim chance that I could eventually have grandchildren with light eyes! LOL!

7:20 AM  

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